the Bridal Bouquet : Why do we launch the bridal bouquet?

It seems that the tradition of throwing the bridal bouquet is of French origin.

A theory will seek the origin of this custom during the Crusades. It would then be the warriors, to signify their happiness to marry, would launch flowers to the sky, the divine, in order to bless their sacred union. Young women who have not yet found a husband could then pick up the package and thus be designated as the next duty to marry.

Small historical

The crusaders would have brought this custom to their travel and bridal bouquet then consist of orange blossom, symbol of purity.

Another theory is that the bouquet is a derivative of the Garter, which object would have started this tradition. In the XIV century France, get the garter of the bride was synonymous with luck. To avoid inconvenience due to this operation and persecution (married pursued by their own guests), they decided to launch their garter themselves from the church's output. They thus felt more alone.

The exact moment when we decided to spend an undergarment to a bouquet is not sufficiently documented, but what is certain is that the bridal bouquet made in the image of the Garter, office lucky to guest who catches. This person is feeling particularly lucky to have been able to catch the bouquet will therefore be auspicious for getting married soon.

If the origins of the launch of the bouquet are not totally clear, we know that this tradition is also strongly represented in the United States and to a lesser extent in other countries of the world.

When and how

Tradition says that on leaving the ceremony, at the door of the church, the bride snaps back to its launch and invited their bouquet. Chance and choose the lucky one who will be the next to marry.

Today it is quite common to make this game when the cocktail, not the front of the church or the town hall. It is indeed a quieter time, more conducive and enabling to associate a song to create an entertaining atmosphere.

It is not uncommon that the bride chooses as accompanying the title of Beyonce Single Ladies or Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison, or even Mamma Mia by ABBA. You can also use this time to offer your single girlfriends to carry with you a little choreography to the sound of the song of the bunch. You can especially develop the choreography during the maiden bachelor.


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