Amazigh traditional wedding

Amazigh traditional wedding One of the versions Moroccan wedding is the traditional Berber wedding, which was always linked to the land. In fact as soon as the summer season is favorable, it is expected several weddings and all the corn is adorned with traditional colorful, providing a background to the rituals of the Berber wedding, which have their origins in Amazigh true values of hospitality , good neighborliness and solidarity. Tazoudha, rite du mariage berbère Preparations for the wedding party begin by purchasing everything needed for such an event whether the ingredients of the wedding feast, musical instruments, toiletries, robes, costumes and traditional adornments. On the wedding day, a procession said Tazoudha is chaired by an elderly woman who will guide parents and relatives of the bridegroom to his bride's house. She wears a bronze tray in his hand that contains henna and boiled eggs and is followed by a procession of horses carrying loaded baskets of off...