French wedding
Bride : It is still used nowadays , the bride takes to the left of her future husband during the various stages of the day. This very old tradition stems from the time when the man passed a sheet over the head of the woman of his choice for the kidnap , and where he would sometimes cross swords with the men of his family or other contenders : In taking the bride with his left hand ( and knowing that the majority are right-handed ) , and he let his right hand available to use his sword. In addition , the bride still often crosses the threshold of the marital home in the arms of her husband. This tradition come from a legend from the time of the Roman Empire, saying that any woman who stumbled , entering for the first time as a wife in the town house, would her marriage recipe for disaster : The wear avoids it and thus ward off bad luck . Garter : Garter symbol shamanistic powers could go back to the Paleolithic era. In some cave paintings , we see dancers who wear gar...